
I often find myself struggling, Trying desperately to keep hold of this thing we call life. Its meaning rushes and hurries away from me, Like it has but one chance to finally be free from my fatal grasp. I wish I could hold onto it And squeeze it tightly in my hand, not minding the …

When the darkness takes over

When sleep evades me I’ve learned to close my eyes And wait Wait for the darkness To take over To envelop me and Consume me Until all that is left Is a flicker of light In the distance Small but burning bright It is hope But On nights like this All I wish Is for …

The magic of time

Do you remember when we used to frolic through the dry and barren fields of our small town, with nothing on but our smiles and our youth? Our lives are so disparate now, sister. You, a mother, a wife, an entire life. And I, a mere soul, lost, wandering, wondering when mine will begin.

Morning Routine

Our mornings begin as they always do; half asleep, I crawl out of bed to begin our day. I meet you at the bottom of the staircase. You’re either in your chair, sleeping the morning away or you’re somewhere else. When it’s the latter, I search frantically around our home, desperate to find you. When …